Participation in Committees
Governmental Committees
1. Council of Ministers
a. Appointed by the Council of Ministers in the Interim Governing Board of the Open University of Cyprus, 2012 -2014
The nine member Committee is responsible for both the management of the University and its Academic functions, performing the duties of both the Council and the Senate until the University is declared autonomous.
b. Appointed by the Council of Ministers in the “Experts Committee for Providing a Reform Proposal for the Education of Cyprus”, 2003.
The seven member Committee studied the existing condition of the Cyprus Education System from kindergarten to university level and made reform proposals. The proposals of the committee such as the whole-day school, the unification of the high school final exams with the university entrance exams, the teacher’s assessment system etc., have started to materialize.
2. Ministry of the Interiors
a. Chairman of the Technical Committee appointed by the Ministry of Interiors for the adoption of the Eurocodes by the Republic of Cyprus, 2006- 2008
Coordination of the planning of the adoption and the implementation of Structural Eurocodes in the Republic of Cyprus. The work consists, among other things, of the preparation of the National Annexes of the Eurocodes and the training of engineers (through a life-long education program) in the correct application of the Eurocodes. The budget for this program is 680 000 Euro for three years.
b. Member of the committee for the establishment of earthquake safety standards for retrofitting / rehabilitation of refugee settlements.
The committee prepared a document in which the earthquake safety standards were established and which was used to screen the refugee settlements. This document defined among other things the minimum acceptable strengths of the materials, the required earthquake loading, the methodology for taking the decision for keeping / demolishing buildings and methods for their retrofitting / strengthening.
c. Member of the committee for the evaluation of the condition of the buildings of Saint Andreas Monastery in the occupied part of Cyprus.
Based on information that Saint Andreas Monastery in the occupied part of Cyprus was facing structural integrity problems, a three-member team consisting of an architect and two structural engineers went to the Monastery with the United Nations and performed a visual inspection and took pictures. A report was prepared based on this information, which was used as the basis in the effort for the renovation of the Monastery that is under way with the support of UNOPS.
3. Ministry of Education and Culture
a. Member of the Visiting Team for the accreditation of the infrastructure of the Private Colleges that have applied for becoming Universities, 2007
The purpose of this committee is the accreditation of the infrastructure of Private Colleges that have applied to be upgraded to a University, according to the Private Universities Law, and the preparation of an accreditation report. This report was submitted to the Private Universities Accreditation Committee.
b. Member of the Visiting Teams for the accreditation of Private Tertiary Engineering Schools in Cyprus. I have participated five times in these Teams in the period 1997 to 2005.
The purpose of these committees was the visit to Private Tertiary Engineering Schools in Cyprus who have requested to be accredited and to investigate whether the Schools satisfied the criteria specified in the Law for Private Tertiary Schools. The committees were submitting a report to the General Director of the Ministry of Education, which was used as the basis for the accreditation or not of the program.
c. Member of the committee for the establishment of earthquake safety standards for retrofitting / rehabilitation of school buildings.
The committee prepared a document in which the earthquake safety standards were established and which was used to screen schools. This document defined among other things the minimum acceptable strengths of the materials, the required earthquake loading, the methodology for taking the decision for keeping / demolishing buildings and methods for their retrofitting / strengthening.
International Committees
1. Head of Delegation of Cyprus in fib Technical Council and General Assembly, 2009 to date
Cyprus has become a County member of the fib in 2009. The decision was made by the Cyprus University of Technology and I was appointed as the Head of Delegation of Cyprus.
2. Member of Special Activity Group 7 (SAG7) of fib, 2013 to date
Participate in SAG 7 which is preparing guidelines for the assessment and retrofitting of existing structures.
European Committees
1. Member of the Eurocodes National Correspondents Group, 2006 to date
Appointed by the Ministry of Interior as the representative of Cyprus to the Eurocodes National Correspondents Group. This is a 27 member counselling body to the European Commission that convenes in Brussels twice a year and covers issues concerning the development and adoption of Eurocodes in the Member States of the European Union.
2. Member of the Technical Committee 250 of the European Standardization Body (CEN TC/250), 2013 to date
Appointed by the Cyprus Organization for Standardization as the Head of Delegation of Cyprus in CEN TC/250 which is the committee developing the European Standards for Structural Design (EN1990 to EN1999).
3. Member of Sub-Committee 8 (SC8) of the European Standardization Body (CEN), 2005 to date
Appointed by the Cyprus Standards organization as a representative of Cyprus in SC8 which is the committee developing the European Standard for Earthquake Resistant Design (ΕΝ 1998).
4. Member of Workgroup 2 (WG2) of the European Standardization Body (CEN), 2012 to date
Appointed by the Cyprus Organization for Standardization as a representative of Cyprus in WG2 which is the committee developing the new European Standard for Existing Structures.
Cyprus Organization for Standardization (CYS)
1. Chairman of Technical Committee 18 (TC 18) for Structural Eurocodes
I was appointed chairman of this committee by the Board of CYS. This is the mirror committee of the Technical Committee 250 (TC 250) of the European Standardization Body (CEN), it consists of 9 members from academia, governmental departments, as well as the industry, and oversees nine (9) subcommittees with a total of about 50 members. TC18 is responsible for the implementation of Structural Eurocodes in Cyprus and the chairman is participating in CEN/TC250 as the representative of Cyprus.
2. Chairman of Technical Committee 15 (TC 15) for Structural Steel
I was appointed chairman of this committee by the Board of CYS. TC15 is responsible for the standardization work regarding structural steel in Cyprus and provides information to the relevant committee at the European level.
University of Cyprus
1. Participated actively in the ad-hoc committees of the University of Cyprus for the preparation of a proposal for the establishment of the School of Engineering as a representative of the Technical Chamber of Cyprus.
These committees were formed twice. Their purpose was to provide arguments to convince both the Senate of the University of Cyprus and the Parliament for the necessity of the establishment of the School of Engineering. In the second committee a preliminary development schedule and preliminary syllabus were proposed for each of the School Departments, and I participated in the team that developed the syllabus for the Department of Civil Engineering.
Scientific and Technical Chamber of Cyprus (ETEK)
1. Coordinator of the committee for the establishment of earthquake safety standards for retrofitting / rehabilitation of stadiums.
The committee will prepare a document in which the earthquake safety standards will be established and which will be used to screen the stadiums in Cyprus. This document will define among other things the minimum acceptable strengths of the materials, the required earthquake loading, and methods for their retrofitting.
2. Coordinator of the committee for the evaluation of the structural integrity of the Larnaca Town Hall.
The structural integrity of the Larnaca Town Hall was evaluated by a team of experts appointed by the Technical Chamber on a request by the Mayor of Larnaca. The committee consisted of Structural Engineers, Geotechnical Engineers and Geologists. A study was performed (both analytical and onsite measurements) and alternative solutions were proposed to the Municipal Council of Larnaca. It has been recently decided that based on this report the Town Hall should be demolished.
3. Chairman of the Civil Defence committee of the Technical Chamber of Cyprus.
Presentation of the views of the Technical Chamber to the Committees of Defence and Interior of the Cyprus Parliament. Developed an Earthquake Response Plan which was used as the basis for the development of the Emergency Plan “Egkelados”.
4. Chairman of the committee for the formulation and presentation of the policy of the Chamber with regards to the proposed legislation about the Higher Technical Institute.
The committee developed a proposal for the upgrading of the Higher Technical Institute to a University. It established the requirements of the Technical Chamber for the content and the level of study of the under-creation new University.
5. Chairman of the committee for the accreditation of laboratories that test construction materials.
The committee prepared two documents. The first outlines the accreditation criteria and the second the accreditation procedure. Both documents were based on European Standards.
6. Member of the committee of the Technical Chamber for the study the stability of the rubble of the Asbestos Mine at Kato Amiantos.
Following the concerns of the community of the Kato Amiantos Village a committee was appointed to study the stability of the rubble of the mine. The committee reaffirmed the conclusions of previous studies and proposed the creation of a slope of about 20 degrees in the rubble.
7. Member of the Academic Committee of the Technical Chamber along with Professors from the University of Cyprus.
Responsibilities of the Committee include the academic evaluation of the academic credentials of applicants for registration to the Chamber and the submission of a proposal to the Registration Committee of the Technical Chamber.
8. Member of a committee for the evaluation of the seismic capacity of buildings of the Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (CY.T.A.).
The seismic capacity of important buildings of CY.T.A. has been evaluated by a team appointed by the Technical Chamber. In the team there were participants from the National Technical University of Athens who took in-situ measurements. Based on the measurement results and the analysis various alternative solutions were proposed for the upgrading of the buildings, which has already started.
Governmental Committees
1. Council of Ministers
a. Appointed by the Council of Ministers in the Interim Governing Board of the Open University of Cyprus, 2012 -2014
The nine member Committee is responsible for both the management of the University and its Academic functions, performing the duties of both the Council and the Senate until the University is declared autonomous.
b. Appointed by the Council of Ministers in the “Experts Committee for Providing a Reform Proposal for the Education of Cyprus”, 2003.
The seven member Committee studied the existing condition of the Cyprus Education System from kindergarten to university level and made reform proposals. The proposals of the committee such as the whole-day school, the unification of the high school final exams with the university entrance exams, the teacher’s assessment system etc., have started to materialize.
2. Ministry of the Interiors
a. Chairman of the Technical Committee appointed by the Ministry of Interiors for the adoption of the Eurocodes by the Republic of Cyprus, 2006- 2008
Coordination of the planning of the adoption and the implementation of Structural Eurocodes in the Republic of Cyprus. The work consists, among other things, of the preparation of the National Annexes of the Eurocodes and the training of engineers (through a life-long education program) in the correct application of the Eurocodes. The budget for this program is 680 000 Euro for three years.
b. Member of the committee for the establishment of earthquake safety standards for retrofitting / rehabilitation of refugee settlements.
The committee prepared a document in which the earthquake safety standards were established and which was used to screen the refugee settlements. This document defined among other things the minimum acceptable strengths of the materials, the required earthquake loading, the methodology for taking the decision for keeping / demolishing buildings and methods for their retrofitting / strengthening.
c. Member of the committee for the evaluation of the condition of the buildings of Saint Andreas Monastery in the occupied part of Cyprus.
Based on information that Saint Andreas Monastery in the occupied part of Cyprus was facing structural integrity problems, a three-member team consisting of an architect and two structural engineers went to the Monastery with the United Nations and performed a visual inspection and took pictures. A report was prepared based on this information, which was used as the basis in the effort for the renovation of the Monastery that is under way with the support of UNOPS.
3. Ministry of Education and Culture
a. Member of the Visiting Team for the accreditation of the infrastructure of the Private Colleges that have applied for becoming Universities, 2007
The purpose of this committee is the accreditation of the infrastructure of Private Colleges that have applied to be upgraded to a University, according to the Private Universities Law, and the preparation of an accreditation report. This report was submitted to the Private Universities Accreditation Committee.
b. Member of the Visiting Teams for the accreditation of Private Tertiary Engineering Schools in Cyprus. I have participated five times in these Teams in the period 1997 to 2005.
The purpose of these committees was the visit to Private Tertiary Engineering Schools in Cyprus who have requested to be accredited and to investigate whether the Schools satisfied the criteria specified in the Law for Private Tertiary Schools. The committees were submitting a report to the General Director of the Ministry of Education, which was used as the basis for the accreditation or not of the program.
c. Member of the committee for the establishment of earthquake safety standards for retrofitting / rehabilitation of school buildings.
The committee prepared a document in which the earthquake safety standards were established and which was used to screen schools. This document defined among other things the minimum acceptable strengths of the materials, the required earthquake loading, the methodology for taking the decision for keeping / demolishing buildings and methods for their retrofitting / strengthening.
International Committees
1. Head of Delegation of Cyprus in fib Technical Council and General Assembly, 2009 to date
Cyprus has become a County member of the fib in 2009. The decision was made by the Cyprus University of Technology and I was appointed as the Head of Delegation of Cyprus.
2. Member of Special Activity Group 7 (SAG7) of fib, 2013 to date
Participate in SAG 7 which is preparing guidelines for the assessment and retrofitting of existing structures.
European Committees
1. Member of the Eurocodes National Correspondents Group, 2006 to date
Appointed by the Ministry of Interior as the representative of Cyprus to the Eurocodes National Correspondents Group. This is a 27 member counselling body to the European Commission that convenes in Brussels twice a year and covers issues concerning the development and adoption of Eurocodes in the Member States of the European Union.
2. Member of the Technical Committee 250 of the European Standardization Body (CEN TC/250), 2013 to date
Appointed by the Cyprus Organization for Standardization as the Head of Delegation of Cyprus in CEN TC/250 which is the committee developing the European Standards for Structural Design (EN1990 to EN1999).
3. Member of Sub-Committee 8 (SC8) of the European Standardization Body (CEN), 2005 to date
Appointed by the Cyprus Standards organization as a representative of Cyprus in SC8 which is the committee developing the European Standard for Earthquake Resistant Design (ΕΝ 1998).
4. Member of Workgroup 2 (WG2) of the European Standardization Body (CEN), 2012 to date
Appointed by the Cyprus Organization for Standardization as a representative of Cyprus in WG2 which is the committee developing the new European Standard for Existing Structures.
Cyprus Organization for Standardization (CYS)
1. Chairman of Technical Committee 18 (TC 18) for Structural Eurocodes
I was appointed chairman of this committee by the Board of CYS. This is the mirror committee of the Technical Committee 250 (TC 250) of the European Standardization Body (CEN), it consists of 9 members from academia, governmental departments, as well as the industry, and oversees nine (9) subcommittees with a total of about 50 members. TC18 is responsible for the implementation of Structural Eurocodes in Cyprus and the chairman is participating in CEN/TC250 as the representative of Cyprus.
2. Chairman of Technical Committee 15 (TC 15) for Structural Steel
I was appointed chairman of this committee by the Board of CYS. TC15 is responsible for the standardization work regarding structural steel in Cyprus and provides information to the relevant committee at the European level.
University of Cyprus
1. Participated actively in the ad-hoc committees of the University of Cyprus for the preparation of a proposal for the establishment of the School of Engineering as a representative of the Technical Chamber of Cyprus.
These committees were formed twice. Their purpose was to provide arguments to convince both the Senate of the University of Cyprus and the Parliament for the necessity of the establishment of the School of Engineering. In the second committee a preliminary development schedule and preliminary syllabus were proposed for each of the School Departments, and I participated in the team that developed the syllabus for the Department of Civil Engineering.
Scientific and Technical Chamber of Cyprus (ETEK)
1. Coordinator of the committee for the establishment of earthquake safety standards for retrofitting / rehabilitation of stadiums.
The committee will prepare a document in which the earthquake safety standards will be established and which will be used to screen the stadiums in Cyprus. This document will define among other things the minimum acceptable strengths of the materials, the required earthquake loading, and methods for their retrofitting.
2. Coordinator of the committee for the evaluation of the structural integrity of the Larnaca Town Hall.
The structural integrity of the Larnaca Town Hall was evaluated by a team of experts appointed by the Technical Chamber on a request by the Mayor of Larnaca. The committee consisted of Structural Engineers, Geotechnical Engineers and Geologists. A study was performed (both analytical and onsite measurements) and alternative solutions were proposed to the Municipal Council of Larnaca. It has been recently decided that based on this report the Town Hall should be demolished.
3. Chairman of the Civil Defence committee of the Technical Chamber of Cyprus.
Presentation of the views of the Technical Chamber to the Committees of Defence and Interior of the Cyprus Parliament. Developed an Earthquake Response Plan which was used as the basis for the development of the Emergency Plan “Egkelados”.
4. Chairman of the committee for the formulation and presentation of the policy of the Chamber with regards to the proposed legislation about the Higher Technical Institute.
The committee developed a proposal for the upgrading of the Higher Technical Institute to a University. It established the requirements of the Technical Chamber for the content and the level of study of the under-creation new University.
5. Chairman of the committee for the accreditation of laboratories that test construction materials.
The committee prepared two documents. The first outlines the accreditation criteria and the second the accreditation procedure. Both documents were based on European Standards.
6. Member of the committee of the Technical Chamber for the study the stability of the rubble of the Asbestos Mine at Kato Amiantos.
Following the concerns of the community of the Kato Amiantos Village a committee was appointed to study the stability of the rubble of the mine. The committee reaffirmed the conclusions of previous studies and proposed the creation of a slope of about 20 degrees in the rubble.
7. Member of the Academic Committee of the Technical Chamber along with Professors from the University of Cyprus.
Responsibilities of the Committee include the academic evaluation of the academic credentials of applicants for registration to the Chamber and the submission of a proposal to the Registration Committee of the Technical Chamber.
8. Member of a committee for the evaluation of the seismic capacity of buildings of the Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (CY.T.A.).
The seismic capacity of important buildings of CY.T.A. has been evaluated by a team appointed by the Technical Chamber. In the team there were participants from the National Technical University of Athens who took in-situ measurements. Based on the measurement results and the analysis various alternative solutions were proposed for the upgrading of the buildings, which has already started.